Saturday 16 July 2016

The Art of Shaving the Pits

We all have hairs in the pits – yes that’s right, we are talking about the armpits. Too often men tend to shy away from talking about hairs on the pits. For a long time, it was normal to see men walk around with full grown hairs on the pits. On the other hand, it was considered a taboo to see a woman sporting a hair on the pits. In a recent survey carried out on men about hairs on the pit, more than 65% of the male respondents actually said they shave their armpits. Since this is now becoming the new norm among men, it is best you do it right.

The hairs on the pits are like any other hair in the body; the only major differences that they sit in a more sensitive skin that most other areas with hairs. So when it comes to shaving the pits, extra care must be taken like it would if you have a sensitive skin. First thing you would need is a really sharp DE razor. Like any other hair on the body, you would need to soften the hairs before shaving them. Clean them with warm water before applying a shaving cream. It is best to shave with the groin to avoid ingrown hairs. The armpit is the last place you would want to get any skin irritation from shaving. Move in the same direction and with the aid of the sharp DErazor, you should have your pits as smooth and clean as you would want!

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