Saturday 18 June 2016

The Vikings Blade Safety Razor Set To Hit the Asian Market

There are indications that the manufacturers of the Vikings Blade are making plans to take the product officially into the Asian market. The company has in recent times been looking to push the product into the international markets. The Vikings Blade is currently the company's lead product and has enjoyed remarkable success since its launch.

The Asian market is already filled with double edge brands that have very stiff competitions. How well the Vikings Blade can be able to contend cannot be predicted at the moment. The company may probably be using the success the product had in the North American markets to project returns for the Asian market.

The company, in its end of year report, showed that the product has a sales volume of well over 100,000 units in the North American market alone. While industry speculators certainly had their doubts, the company was able to prove it meant business by taking the product internationally. Although no official date for this announcement yet, we are hoping iit would be the main point to address in the company's next stakeholder's meeting.

Read Another Story: Maintaining Your Razor Blades

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